ZES Staff Development Policy

Statement of Intent

To facilitate the achievement of the ZES aims and the successful implementation of the School/College Development Plan, every teacher and manager in school/college, is entitled to professional development activities which empower them to undertake their tasks and responsibilities professionally.

In Ziauddin Schools and Colleges we are committed to improving the quality of teaching, which will have the maximum impact on our students’ learning.

This policy sets out a framework for all staff development and is intended to serve as the basis for schools/colleges addressing specific aspects of staff development.

Staff development encompasses:

  • Training (i.e. skills and knowledge directly connected to a particular position)
  • On-the-job experience
  • Independent study
  • Professional development (i.e. learning or the acquisition of skills that may or may not be related specifically to current duties.

Performance Management

All teachers take part in the performance management system of Ziauddin Schools and Colleges on a yearly basis. This involves a 360o appraisal followed by individual action planning around professional development needs. This plan, and its annual review, is intended to help each teacher identify those skills and understandings necessary to meet the demands of their job, now and in the future, and so support the school/college in achieving its Vision and Mission. The action plan will identify the training, on-the-job experience, study and/or professional development each teacher needs, and the timescales for achievement.

For this process, each year, Ziauddin Schools and Colleges will aim to ensure that:

  • Each teacher understands what his or her job involves
  • The teacher has access to sufficient training to perform his or her current job (especially where these aligned with the Ziauddin Teaching Standards)
  • Staff are prepared and equipped for opportunities created by changes in the school/college

This performance management process ensures that each person is given the opportunity to develop his or her skills, knowledge and expertise to achieve success in any specific future role he/she wishes to pursue in school/college e.g. teachers looking to middle management or future leadership roles.

Those with managerial and/or leadership responsibilities in school/college have a duty to:

  • Help staff in developing their performance and effectiveness
  • Provide staff with the information necessary to perform their job
  • Guide their staff in how best to equip themselves for their current and future roles
  • Ensure that appropriate action as a response to those needs takes place


The process of staff development is most effective when each person takes responsibility for his or her own progress. Prime responsibility for learning rests with the individual, in partnership wherever possible, with those who have managerial responsibility for that person’s area of work.


Staff development resources are finite and decisions about which activities take priority should be based on the following hierarchical list:

  1. The Annual Development Plan

New priorities identified in the School Development Plan may make demands on both management and staff which they may not feel qualified to address fully and for which they need training or some other form of staff development (i.e. on-the-job experience, study or professional development).

  1. The results of Staff Annual Appraisal

Development needs can be highlighted by the appraisal process which need to be addressed in order to ensure that the quality of teaching and learning remains high. Personal and professional needs emerging from performance management must be addressed if the process is to be formative.

  1. New job specifications, job rotations and additional policy statements

Where personnel are moved into different positions or become engaged in activities requiring a different range of skills or acquisition of new understandings, then these need to be supported with staff development activities.

  1. Staff personal and career interest

Although this is at the bottom of this list, Ziauddin Schools and Colleges are committed to the allocation of available resources for this purpose. Wherever feasible, ZES will facilitate professional learning.

Annual Staff Development Plan

This is a subset of the Annual Development Plan (in line with the hierarchy described above).

A systematic, planned approach to staff development is needed so that there is:

  • A focus on school/college needs
  • An equitable distribution of opportunities for staff
  • A formalised link to the performance management system (i.e. appraisal)
  • A efficient, planned use of resources

This plan forms a subsidiary, yet integral, part of the Annual Development Plan.

Well-planned staff development brings more benefits to the school/college than incidental or ‘knee-jerk’ measures. Sufficient time is needed to allow for sound planning and promotion of staff development, which is in line with the school’s/college’s strategic aims, meets specific needs effectively, and enables innovation in staff development.

Further, when new initiatives or significant changes are being planned, such strategic plans need to have strategic goals built into the action plans.



  1. Using Existing Staff Expertise/ Experience

Using in-house expertise is cost effective for the school/college and serves as a way of publicly recognising valuable staff. It also enhances the sense of the school/college as a community. Seeking out and developing in-house expertise should be one priority area for Principals in terms of managing staff development.

  1. On-site and off-site training should be considered for meeting particular However, the cost of such training should be carefully considered and weighed in terms of the opportunity it services (i.e. opportunity/cost ratio).
  2. All/ any staff members should be encouraged to engage in professional reading and personal study in relation to their professional role. Schools/Colleges should regularly provide reading material or links to web material that has direct and practical interest for staff. This is another means for cost-effective staff development. Principals should provide opportunities for staff to share and discuss their reading/ study.
  3. Formal professional development should always be supported with in-school action or opportunities to apply what has been learned, otherwise such professional learning becomes an academic activity and may not serve the goals of the school/college.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Staff Development Activities

The value impact that any staff development (i.e. training, on-the-job activity, independent study or professional development) should be a focus of monitoring and evaluating the usefulness of any staff development activity. IT IS NOT WISE OR EXPEDIENT TO HAVE STAFF DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SAKE OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT. Staff development should always be meaningful and impactful, and it should directly relate to outcomes identified as important in the Annual Development Plan.

Principals are expected to monitor the usefulness/ impact of any staff development on meeting the schools/colleges goals or expectations set in the Annual Development Plan.