Tracking and Maximising Learning Policy (Schools Only)


Ziauddin Schools use an approach to education which has been tried and tested by high performing institutions for many years. The approach is based on a well-structured curriculum with frequent testing to make sure that students are actually learning, and provided with continuous follow-up and support.

This means that teachers in Ziauddin Schools facilitate their lessons focused around constant checks (progress tests) on the achievement of learning outcomes, rather than leaving the recording of such achievement until the end of the academic year in formal examinations. We believe our approach keeps students engaged and learning efficiently, and ensures teachers are being efficient with the instructional time and preparation.

Tracking and Maximising Learning

In every unit of study (which usually lasts one week), our teachers have planned to cover at least one (but usually two or three) curriculum learning outcomes. Each student is given an opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of the outcome(s) through the completion of an oral activity or a written exercise.

Students are also placed into “Study Buddy” pairs or triads. These take place (i) across grade levels to provide inter-grade support to younger students and practice/ reinforcement for older students, and (ii) within-grade for checking of each other’s work, exploring answers to questions and supporting each other in further exploration/ research to maximise understanding. These ‘micro-communities of learners’ work in close coordination with the subject teachers. Teachers provide guidance and support (but do not teach these micro-communities) and keep them on track with achieving the learning outcomes.

In this way, Ziauddin Schools uses an approach that ensures all our students are ‘learning how to learn’ and developing personal autonomy and intellectual independence.

Only when a student has demonstrated mastery of a learning outcome, will  s/he continue onto the next learning outcome.

We find that this combination of facilitated instruction and paired work, as well as independent study through our study materials to be very effective in helping students learn and achieve their full potential.

Frequent Testing

This facilitative process in Ziauddin Schools is supported by regularly scheduled assessments (usually at the end of each unit of study) that measure student attainment of specific learning outcomes and help identify areas for revisit or remediation which are student-specific.

Frequent testing means that we are able to monitor our students’ performance against the learning outcomes and pinpoint gaps in mastery early on. In this way we can provide support for students filling the gaps in order to secure a solid foundation on which students are to support their on-going learning. We believe that:

  • Regular, unit-focused testing prepares students for later ‘high-stakes’ tests they will encounter
  • Preparation for ‘safe’ testing develops students’ sense of autonomy and independence as learners
  • A ‘testing culture’ (testing as a formative, development process, aka ‘assessment FOR learning’) helps students develop the persistence and stamina for deep learning and future success.

Continuous Assessment Tests (CAT)

A CAT is taken in grades 1 to 3 at the end of each unit of study in each subject. Corresponding directly to the curriculum learning outcomes, these are multiple choice wherever such testing is applicable, but can also involve elements of writing assessment (to test writing skills development) and also our Viva Voce Tests (VVT) for testing of students’ oracy.

In grades 4 to 8, tests mirror the examination pattern. They test ONLY the learning outcomes which have been covered in the unit of study. Students must secure at least a minimum pass to progress onto the next unit of study. Students securing less than 70% (indicating mastery) are placed onto ‘Restudy’; this highlights each student’s specific areas of weakness with the expectation that the student will re-study the topic(s) independently. Every student has to recover all the contents of Restudy to move away from this content. Teachers and Study Buddies support students on Restudy and students come off Restudy once the teacher is satisfied that mastery has been attained. Where mastery is not attained by the end of the academic year, the Restudy contents are added to the student’s file and discussed in the Parent-Teacher Meeting. The following actions may be required by the school:

  1. Summer school (which may have an additional charge)
  2. Past papers practice
  3. Independent study

    At this point, the ZES Progression Policy is to be followed.

    Follow-Up and Support

    Students who fall behind in their work are guided, motivated and coached until they catch up.