Child Protection (Safeguarding) Policy


This policy on Safeguarding and Protection prescribes the responsibility that the school/college has to ensure that everyone connected with the school/college does no harm to children; that they do not expose them to the risk of neglect, harm or abuse. This policy provides the framework for dealing with any concerns the school/college has about the safety of children, including measures and structures designed to prevent and respond to abuse.

1. Aims of this Policy

This policy ensures that:

  • Everyone in school/college has a common understanding of safeguarding issues and develops good practice across the work of the school/college regarding child protection
  • Everyone recognises their responsibilities in this crucial aspect of the work of the school/college

2. Policy Statement

ZES schools/colleges have a zero tolerance of abuse and exploitation of children. ZES schools/colleges also recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that it has an obligation to put in place reasonable measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safety and well being of children.

All employees in ZES school/college work to the following key principles to protect children:

  • Everyone has an equal right to protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation
  • The best interests of the child are paramount and shall be the primary consideration in our decision making regarding any incidents
  • We will take responsibility to meet our obligations regarding our duty of care towards children, and take action where we believe that a child is at risk or is actually harmed
  • We will ensure that all those who work for us are informed and in compliance with this policy
  • We commit to monitoring the implementation of this policy

3. Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all employees:

  • To follow this policy and maintain an environment in school/college that prevents exploitation and abuse and which encourages reporting of breaches of this policy
  • To read, understand and adhere to the letter and spirit of this policy
  • To strive to promote a zero tolerance approach to any and all forms of mistreatment and abuse in all forms, in all working environments
  • To develop relationships with all stakeholders in the school/college which are based on equality, trust, respect and honesty
  • To make the safety and welfare of children the priority above all other considerations
  • To immediately report any concerns about the welfare of a child to the Principal.
  • All employees will not harass, assault or abuse (whether physically or emotionally) another person, or engage in behaviour intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade. All employees will ensure no forms of physical or emotional abuse, including bullying, will be permitted in any ZES school/college.

It is the responsibility of school/college Principals and other school/college managers:

  • To ensure all employees in school/college are aware of the policy and are supported to implement and work in accordance with it
  • To create a management culture that encourages a focus on safeguarding
  • To be responsive, acting immediately if they become aware of any safeguarding concerns, and supportive towards employees who complain about breaches in this policy.

In particular, the Principal and other managers are responsible for:

  • Monitoring and recording safeguarding concerns
  • Ensuring any referrals to higher authorities in the organisation happen without delay
  • Ensuring this policy is reviewed regularly for currency and validity
  • Ensuring this policy is implemented throughout the organisation

4. Action

If anyone is concerned about the safety of a child, s/he must:

  • Ensure that the child is safe
  • Make a written note of the concerns ensuring names and times are clearly recorded
  • Talk immediately to the Principal
    • In deciding whether to take immediate action, it will be necessary to balance any ongoing risks to children
    • Undertake checks on any allegations
    • Ensure any form of abuse does not continue and take steps to ensure it cannot happen again
  • Gather information using the following steps:
    • Receive (listen carefully)
    • Reassure (but be honest and reliable)
    • React (ask questions for clarity, but do not make judgements)
    • Record (make notes). Including:
      • date and time of incident
      • parties who were involved, including any witnesses to an event what was said or done and by whom
      • any action taken by the organisation
      • the reasons why a decision was taken

(any interpretation/inference drawn from what was observed, said or alleged should be clearly recorded as such)

  • name of person reporting the concern, name and designation of the person to whom the concern was reported, date and time