The goal of Ziauddin Schools and Colleges is to provide a safe and healthy working and learning environment for all staff, students, administrators and teachers. This will be achieved by implementing the health and safety aims detailed in this policy.
We attach a great importance to the health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees and other users/ visitors, but particularly our students. In this regard, we aim to realise, so far as it is reasonable and possible, the attainment of the aims detailed below.
Aims of this Policy
To outline the means for –
- providing instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to work safely without risk to their health
- ensuring premises and places of work (e.g. work stations) are well maintained, have safe access and are without risk to health
- supporting the use of safe systems and methods of work that are without risk to health
- ensuring that all equipment is safe and without risk to health
- ensuring that substances for use at work (e.g. in labs, or for cleaning) are safe when properly used, stored, handled and transported
- The Principal
The Principal has primary responsibility for Health and Safety matters
within the school. In the Principal’s absence, whoever has been nominated will assume this responsibility. The Premises Manager, who is line managed by the Principal, has responsibility for implementing instruction and carrying out procedures as prescribed by the Principal.
- Setting up arrangements to cover all health and safety legal requirements
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the arrangements
- Bringing this document to the attention of all staff, including new staff on taking up post
- Resolving health and safety problems as they arise
- Bringing any issues to the attention of relevant staff in Ziauddin University
- Ensuring all areas of the school site are inspected regularly for health and safety compliance concerns
- Ensuring that a system is established and maintained for reporting, recording and investigating accidents/ incidents, and that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent recurrences
- Ensuring the use of any personal protective equipment (e.g. face masks) as may be necessary and ensuring that it is maintained and renewed as necessary
- Ensuring that effective arrangements are in place to evacuate the building(s) in case of fire or other emergencies, that evacuation drills are undertaken regularly and that fire fighting equipment is available and maintained (see later)
- Ensuring that a suitable plan is in place to deal with emergencies, which could occur both during and out of school hours. This will include arrangements to deal with the immediate emergency and for contacting University authorities, the police or safety services, and parents.
- Ensuring that suitable health and safety induction training is provided to every new employee
- Ensuring that suitable records are kept of:
– Employee health and safety training
– Accidents
- All Employees
All employees are responsible for:
- Taking care of the health and safety of themselves and their colleagues and for any student under their charge
- Keeping up to date with current safety procedures required by Ziauddin Education
- Attending training as directed
- Following instructions issued by Ziauddin Education or the school management on matters of Health and Safety
- Reporting any accidents, dangerous occurrences or safety concerns to the Principal and the Premises Manager
- Not misusing any equipment provided for their safety
- Teachers
Teachers are responsible for:
- The safety of all students under their charge by effectively supervising their activities
- Being able to carry out emergency procedures in respect of fire, emergency evacuation, and site security
- Observing all safety procedures and instructions
- Safety in rooms and labs and all other areas in which they work
- The Premises Manager
The Premises Manager is responsible for:
- The safety and physical condition of all areas of the school including playgrounds/ play areas and outbuildings/ subsidiary rooms (e.g. generator room)
- Arranging for the maintenance and servicing of fire fighting equipment and fire alarm systems, and premises security systems (see later)
- Ensuring that all contractors/ construction workers working in school are aware of the emergency evacuation procedures and have read the school Health and Safety Policy
- Visitors
- All visitors must report to School Reception where a signing-in system will be in operation. Any safety or hygiene protocols MUST be adhered to before visitors will be allowed within the school building
- Regular visitors are required to observe the safety rules of the school
- Incidental visitors must be accompanied by a member of staff when on the school premises
Fire and Emergency Arrangements
It is the duty of all members of staff to be aware of the fire and emergency
procedures, for ensuring that all escape routes are kept clear and to report any defective equipment, damage to extinguishers and any other equipment.
Regular checks of facilities will include:
– fire doors
– fire signage
– alarm systems
– assessment of their suitability and any repairs or improvements required
– fire alarms
- should be tested termly
- should be serviced annually by a competent contractor and records kept of these tests
Fire drills
Fire drills must be arranged at least yearly, ideally termly. The purpose of fire drills is to evacuate everyone to a place of safety as quickly as possible where they will
be checked against the attendance registers. The Principal should ensure any necessary arrangements if there are students with a disability.
Furniture and Equipment
All teachers must ensure that equipment and furniture is regularly checked to
ensure that it is functional and safe. Any discovered defects must be reported
to the Premises Manager who should arrange for repairs or replacement where necessary.
Any issues with cleaning or cleanliness must be reported to the Premises Manager immediately.
It is the responsibility of everyone in school to make these arrangements work. By achieving this collective responsibility there is much greater likelihood of achieving an accident free environment and progressively improving the management of safety and so everyone’s well-being.