Supporting Learning Policy


This policy outlines practical steps for teachers and Principals for providing learning support to students experiencing low achievement and/ or difficulties in their learning.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is for education psychologists to diagnose learning difficulties and special educational needs; the focus of this policy is to provide guidance on the processes that Principals/ teachers should use to support students who are experiencing difficulties with learning. The processes outlined here include classroombased teacher interventions and whole-school initiatives to providing additional support. This policy is not a framework for teachers working with students with special needs. We should always recommend parents to alternative provision in the case of admission of students with special education needs.

Students are identified as having ‘learning support needs’ if they do not make adequate progress compared to that which is expected despite careful attention and support from teachers.

Aims of this Policy

  • To guide schools/colleges on providing a broad and balanced curriculum for all students
  • To set out the whole-school approach to supporting students with additional needs
  • To provide guidance on developing a partnership with parents for student with additional needs
  • To outline procedures and practices to support students who are not meeting expectations for learning
  • To outline the use of all resources in ways that support all students


We work towards achieving these aims by:

  • Monitoring and reviewing (through regular assessment) of all students’ progress (in all curriculum areas) so that any problems are identified at an early stage
  • Providing academic progress reports to parents at parent meetings where issues can be discussed

Guiding Principles

We support all students in Ziauddin Schools and Colleges through inclusive practices. These practice encompass the following principals:

4.1      Immediate Action upon Identifying Need for Learning Support

Where there is concern about a student being able to achieve the curriculum objectives, a teacher should immediately seek advice from the Principal on strategies which might be used to help the student in class.

Where a student is considered as requiring support different from (i.e. extra to) that which would normally be given to students in a class, the Principal should make suitable adjustments to the teacher’s timetable and the student’s workload. Where this is the case, regular student progress meetings should take place.

ZES Teachers are responsible for the progress of all students in their   class/ subject. All teachers should make regular (informal) assessments of progress for all students, but especially for students who they suspect may be experiencing difficulties (i.e. students making less than expected progress given their age and peer group).

This is characterised by progress which:

  • is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline (i.e. assessment marks over time/ grades in tests and assessments)
  • fails to improve on the student’s previous pace of learning
  • fails to match the attainment of the student’s peers


Evaluating and Monitoring Students’ Learning Needs

The early identification of students with additional needs is a paramount concern for schools. The process of evaluating the extent of additional support a student needs is staged. These stages are:

  1. Stage 1 (monitoring) – The teacher:
  • Identifies that a student has additional support needs
  • Collects information about the student difficulties and progress
  • Ensures differentiated strategies are used in teaching
  • Monitors and reviews the progress of the student
  • Maintain clear records of the issues and efforts being taken
  • Meets with the Principal/ parents
  1. Stage 2 (action planning) – The teacher should:
  • In collaboration with the Principal, write an individual learning plan for the student, setting appropriate activities and achievable targets
  • Ensure that there is sufficient support, either resources or an additional teacher in the classroom, so that targets can be met
  • Discuss strategies with the Principal and colleagues to ensure that a whole-school appreciation is generated regarding supporting the student
  • Maintain clear records of the issues and efforts being taken
  • Monitor and review the progress of the student
  • Stage 3 (Reviewing) – The teacher should:
  • Amend the individual learning plan in consultation with the Principal
  • Maintain clear records ofthe issues and efforts being taken
  • Review the use of resources and teaching strategies with the Principal and colleagues
  1. Stage 4 (Amendment) – The teacher should:
  • Amend the individual learning plan based on advice from an outside specialist
  • Maintain clear records of the issues and efforts being taken


Supporting Learning

In Ziauddin Schools and Colleges it is never assumed that all students will progress at the same rate. Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean that a student has ‘special educational needs’ and should not automatically lead to a student being identified as having special educational needs.

Where additional learning needs are identified, Ziauddin Schools and Colleges are able to provide support where students have additional needs which fall into the following three areas.

NOTE: Students can have inter-related needs.

  1. Communication needs
  2. Learning needs (e. a student’s inability to gain knowledge and skills, and develop understandings at the same rate as his or her peers)
  3. Social and emotional development needs (e.g. lack of confidence/ self-esteem/ extreme shyness etc.)


The Role of the Teacher in Supporting Students’ Additional Needs

The teacher :

  • Will plan practical help to the individual student by –
  1. Assessing the type of need
  2. Providing additional/ supplementary tuition in relation to the identified need (i.e. alternative teaching approaches)
  • Providing additional/ supplementary/ adapted resources (i.e. adjusted content)
  • Will facilitate the inclusion of the student into classes
  • Will monitor the student through continuous evaluation