Ziauddin Schools and Colleges Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers

All teachers in Ziauddin schools and colleges are expected to know and follow the ZS Code of Ethics for Educators, the ZS Standards of Practice and the ZS Principles of Teaching (as laid out in the ZS Teacher Handbook) as they go about their teaching, facilitating learning and working in educational environments with young people and children.

In addition to these, Ziauddin Schools and Colleges has the following expectations regarding conduct and behaviour to be adhered to:

  1. Commitment to the Profession

All teachers are expected to:

  1. Conduct themselves in a reasonable manner in the implementation of policies and procedures are set out by the management of Ziauddin.
  2. Do nothing in private or public pursuits which will bring the teaching profession into disrepute.
  3. Keep in confidence, information that has been obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure is required by law.
  4. Offer advice and give helpful criticism to teachers in training and junior colleagues/ new teachers to the profession.
  5. Avoid open confrontation – open confrontation of any kind is strictly not
  6. Not allow other employment to impair the effectiveness of professional commitment to Ziauddin school or college.
  7. Not permit commercial exploitation of their professional position.
  8. Keep all student records and professional data accurate and up to date.
  9. Maintain professional growth, which is absolutely necessary and must be given priority.
  10. Devote full working time to the vocation; teaching effort and time on task are essential for success.
  11. Commitment to Colleagues

All teachers are expected to:

  1. Treat colleagues as professional equals, regardless of their status.
  2. Treat everyone with courtesy at all times.
  3. Behave in a way that earns respect, upholding integrity, dignity, decorum       and efficiency.
  4. Respect the authority of those set in leadership, management or supervisory roles over you.
  5. (although friendship groups are welcome) Avoid cliques and divisiveness between members of the team.
  6. Refrain from interfering with the free participation of colleagues in their work in school.
  7. Not distort the perception of the work, or the evaluation of work of,
  1. Attendance, Leave and Absence

All teachers are expected to:

  1. Be regular and punctual.
  2. Record their attendance faithfully.
  3. Report for any teaching at least fifteen minutes before any teaching is due to
  4. Accept being temporarily assigned, in the absence of a teacher, to facilitate a timetabled class, providing that the teacher is professionally and   academically able to so do.
  5. Provide a request for leave in writing, which should be obtained before proceeding on leave.
  6. Inform the Principal without any undue delay in the instance of illness.
  7. Not abuse leave concessions.
  8. Commitment to Students

In fulfilling obligations to students, teachers are expected to:

  1. Place high value on, and demonstrate to students commitment for, excellence in work, manners and achievement.
  2. Encourage students to show respect for others.
  3. Be thoughtful and helpful at all times.
  4. Encourage students to exercise good discipline.
  5. Help students to develop a sense of responsibility, self reliance and
  6. Encourage students to show respect for all forms of authority.
  7. Demonstrate patriotism.
  8. Demonstrate an appreciation of freedom with responsibility.
  9. Help students to differentiate between right and wrong.
  10. Encourage students to show respect and appreciation for personal and public property.
  11. Assist students to exercise tolerance of others’ ideas and beliefs.
  12. Be consistent, firm and show understanding in disciplinary dealings with
  13. Instill a sense of pride in self and school.
  14. Help students to understand that acceptable attitudes and civil standards is more important than blind obedience to rules.
  15. Work towards developing and promoting good human relations and qualities.
  16. Not encourage undue familiarity with students.
  17. Not smoke, drink or eat during teaching or in the presence of students whilst on school grounds/ around campus.
  18. Do nothing likely to corrupt a student.
  19. Make responsible efforts to protect students from conditions harmful to health and safety, and to ensure any protocols regarding health and hygiene         are strictly adhered to.
  20. Not use the facilities of the school to tutor students privately.
  21. Not use the school/ college as a means to recruit students to private tuition. Offering tuition to students of Ziauddin whilst being a teacher at Ziauddin is    strictly forbidden.
  22. Seek to foster the interest of parents in the progress of their children.
  23. Stimulate the spirit of enquiry, engagement in the acquisition of knowledge, value for reasoned understanding and the thoughtful formulation of worthy
  24. Avoid discussing controversial issues and keep lessons/ sessions free from partisan/ radical opinions and highly-charged emotive subjects.
  1. Commitment to the Community

Teachers are expected to:

  1. Cooperate with the school/ college community in a constructive manner in a way that maintains public trust.
  2. Adhere to any responsible pattern of behaviour accepted by the local community to the school/college for professional persons.
  3. Respect the community in which they are employed.
  4. Be loyal to the school/ college, and its community.
  5. Encourage the community to participate in the life of the school/ college.
  6. Conduct professional school/ college business through appropriate and professional channels.
  7. Do nothing in their teaching which instills contempt or disobedience.